Monday, March 17, 2008

Meine Schwester Ist Hier!!

Yeeee-HA! One of my "little" sisters is here from Ooooooooooo-OAK-lahoma. Sorry. Bad musical reference that only my deceased birth-father finds funny. This is my half-sister by my birth-father (everyone get out your 492 page pocket guide to my totally weird family orchard and turn to page 216). She rocks. She looks like me (which always thrills me, as a kid adopted into the most rockin' family to which I have no physical resemblance). But more evident is the shared genetic flaw we mutually inherited from our birth-father. I refer to, of course, the complete and utter dork-a-rama gene. We are both incurable idiots. Dorks to the bone. We think the most inane things are hysterical. Most frequently, chicken clucking but done very slowly. Very hard to explain. We both like to think of ourselves as extremely clever in the humor factor. But in all reality, we're just both total morons. Much to our collective children's chagrin.

Anyway, I haven't seen her since our birth-father died in 2002. I had only met one of her two daughters at the time. Now she's here with those two daughters, a new hubby, a new step-daughter and a new wee peanut of a daughter. My house is full. My boys are overrun with girls and are loving it. My parents have dropped by very quickly to say hi - it was bed time and the baby was having a melt down and two girls were in the tub and I just didn't time telling them to come very well. My Big Sis stopped by yesterday, along with The Tall Guy. She's met Little Sis Mom before but it was probably in 1996 or so. So that was very cool. The Tall Guy and New Bro-In-Law got on famously. Cut from similar cloths.

Anyway, I'm loving it. I probably won't give a good picture post until they've left. I wish I could do a live podcast so you could see us in action together. My church met them all on Sunday and it seemed to be a mutual love fest. I saw a couple of amused looks at how similarly goofball-ish we both are.

So, pictures to come later. I promise.



j said...

Glad you're having so much fun!

Sarakastic said...

Enjoy your time with your sister, don't feel bad about the chicken noises, I consider myself sophisticated until I'm around a certain friend & then we make buzzing fly noises & act like we aren't doing it when there's a guy around I don't like & then hysterically giggle

Wanda said...

Oh this sounds so fun ~~~ Can't wait for the pictures!

Kristen said...

Have a great visit! Can't wait to see pictures!

p.s. I saw a woman on the bus last week who had your thumbs! :-) Made me miss you. *sniff*

Mary Ann said...

Sounds like a blast! Enjoy...

P.S. Gotta ask. What's with your thumbs?? I feel I can ask since my big toe is my second toe. Same on each foot, fortunately, I suppose. haha.

Trish Ryan said...

How cool is that? You're organizing a sisterly trip to L&T for matching outfits, right???

Beck said...