Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Praying Big

So I went to my small group tonight. We're starting to study/discuss the book of Mark. And one of the points we talked about was faith. A friend said he likes to pray big. Because the miracles in there are for us today.

I'm all for praying big. I'm pretty good at it but usually for other people. Not for me. Call it one of my many imperfections. So, tonight we prayed big. I prayed for total healing for The Boy. That God get all the connections and synapses in The Boy's brain firing the way they're supposed to. We'll see what God will do. Nothing wrong with praying for big things. The worst you can get is "no". And maybe God gave The Boy this particular set of talents to be another spokesperson for TS.

I'm excited to see what God does...either direction.

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